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Helpful Online Cryptocurrency Resources and Influencers

Helpful Online Cryptocurrency Resources and Influencers

Learning about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is a never-ending pursuit. You never really stop learning. And so, here is a short list of some of the ways that you can keep up with this fast moving space:


Twitter is one of the most powerful tools that you can use for learning and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the cryptocurrency space. Here are some popular Twitter accounts to follow:

  • Charlie Lee (@SatoshiLite) – Founder of cryptocurrency, Litecoin.
  • Vitalik Buterin (@VitalikButerin) – Co-founder of cryptocurrency, Ethereum.
  • CZ (@cz_binance) – CEO of Binance
  • Andreas M. Antonopoulos (@aantonop) – Author of Mastering Bitcoin.
  • MarQuis Trill (@6BillionPeople) – Influencer that provides support on crypto related issues.
  • Jimmy Song (@jimmysong) – Bitcoin Developer.
  • CoinGecko (@coingecko) – Respected website that tweet some incredible infographics.

Websites/News outlet

To learn a new crypto related concept, or stay in the loop with the latest news, here are the online news outlets to check out.

  • Medium – The cryptocurrency section of Medium offers a wealth of high-quality writers on all things crypto.
  • Coindesk – One of the most trusted news outlet on cryptocurrencies.
  • Bitcoin Magazine – Reputable source to learn about cryptocurrency technology.
  • CryptoCurrencyNews – Credible news coverage of the cryptocurrency industry.


Podcasts are an amazing way to learn about cryptos while giving you the freedom to do other things. Podcasts are significantly less involved than reading an article, and often, you can learn more from listening than reading. Here are a few podcasts to check out:

  • Unchained – Laura Shin
  • Analysis in Chains – Neal & Nathan
  • B21 Block: Cryptocurrency & Blockchain School – Ravinder Deol
  • The Let’s Talk Bitcoin Show – Adam B. Levine
  • The Cryptoverse Podcast – Chris Coney